4 Reasons You Should Never Ignore Tooth Pain

Pain is the body’s way of telling us that something is wrong. When we ignore it, especially if it is coming from a highly sensitive area, like the mouth, we risk serious injury or illness. If you experience tooth pain, your body could be warning you of an oral health problem that needs to be addressed right away. We urge you to listen to your body because persistent tooth pain is not normal, and ignoring it could have serious consequences.

Top 7 Dental Emergencies & How To Avoid Them

When was the last time you visited our office for an oral hygiene examination? If it has been longer than six months, then you are due for a visit. We also encourage you to schedule any recommended treatment that you may have postponed. Delaying dental care can lead to serious complications with your oral health. While dental emergencies can occur at any time, they are more common in patients who have delayed receiving dental care. It can be overwhelming to deal with a dental emergency. Read on to learn more about what is considered a dental emergency and how to help prevent it from occurring.

Why You Should Care About Gum Disease

When was the last time you visited our office for an oral hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, you are due for a visit. During these appointments, we not only clean your teeth, but we also thoroughly check for problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer. Gum disease is extremely prevalent because it affects more than half of American adults. Read on to learn more about this treatment to be sure you are not experiencing any of the symptoms.

Facts About Cavities

When you visit our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning, we check your teeth for specific problems that can affect your oral health. Of course, we thoroughly clean your teeth, but we are looking to see if there is a buildup of plaque and bacteria that would indicate your teeth aren’t getting as clean as they should be. We also look for signs of decay, also known as cavities. Many people are aware of the term “cavity”, but do you really understand what it means and how it is caused? Read on to learn more about cavities and what can happen if they are not treated.

Is A Cracked Tooth A Problem?

We don’t know how you feel, but it always seems like an emergency happens at the worst time. One of the best ways to prevent a dental emergency is to maintain regular hygiene examination appointments in our office. If you or a loved one experience a dental emergency between visits, it is important to remain calm and contact our office for instructions and to see if a visit is needed. One dental problem that will always require a visit to our office is a cracked tooth. Read on to learn more about why a cracked tooth should never be ignored.

Oral Health Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Thankfully, we are often given warning signs in our daily lives before something goes wrong. For example, your car will alert you if there is a problem with the vehicle or will give a notification before you run out of gas. In a similar manner, there are warning signs given by your mouth to indicate a problem with your oral health. The longer the signs are ignored, the greater your chance of experiencing a dental emergency. Would you know what warning signs to look for that can tell you there is a problem with your oral health? We are here to help!

Top Reasons Not To Delay Dental Treatments

Did we recommend a dental treatment the last time you visited our office? We know that life can be busy, especially around this time of year; however, it is important to make your oral health a priority. Delaying or avoiding necessary treatments can greatly impact both your oral and overall health. It also increases the odds for needing additional treatments, which means added discomfort and greater out of pocket costs. Continue reading to learn more about the harm in delaying dental treatments.

How to Deal With A Dental Emergency

November has arrived, which means that the next few months are going to be busy with all of the holiday festivities you have planned with your family and friends. We know that many of our patients have parties, family get-togethers, and even vacations planned. It is important to remember that a dental emergency or accident can happen at any time, especially when you least expect it. We want our patients to be prepared for any emergency that may come your way.