Take A Summer Trip — To The Dentist
Do you remember the last time you visited our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning? If you can’t remember, we would be happy to help you if you contact the office. If it has been longer than six months since you and your family visited our office, it is time to schedule an appointment. We know that life gets busy and it seems like there is always a conflict getting in the way, but the summer is the perfect time to visit our office. Read on to learn more about the importance of regular dental visits.
Schedule Your Appointment Today!
Summer is the perfect time to schedule a hygiene examination and cleaning for you and your family. We know that the fall will be here before we know it and that means the start of school and fall sports. Not to mention before we know it the holidays will be here yet again. It always seems like there is more to do than there is time. We want to remind you of the importance of making time for your oral health. Even if you have the best oral hygiene routine, we still need to remove any plaque and inspect for decay, gum disease and oral cancer. Delaying an exam in our office increases your chances of experiencing a dental emergency. Routine exams allow us to detect any problems in your mouth early and recommend treatment.
Be Honest About Your Feelings
If you have been postponing your routine exams due to nervous feelings, we encourage you to be honest with us about how you feel. We want you to feel comfortable while in our care. We can explain the examination or any treatment procedures in detail to help you feel more comfortable. We never want your nerves to keep you from getting the dental care you deserve.
If you are in need of a routine hygiene examination, contact our office located in Bowie, MD today to schedule an appointment. We want to help you enjoy the remainder of your summer with a healthy mouth!