Test Your Knowledge Of Dental Trivia
We find dentistry and oral health very interesting! Dentistry has so many specialties that there is always some new fact to discover. If you are curious about oral health, here is some dental trivia that will impress your friends and family.
The History of Dentistry
Dentistry is one of the oldest medical professions. There is evidence that dentistry was practiced as far back as 7000 BCE in the Indus Valley. We’ve been taking care of our teeth for over 9,000 years! Descriptions of dentistry and tooth decay can be found in Sumerian texts that are over 7,000 years old. Ancient civilizations believed that dental worms caused tooth decay, something we only disproved in the 18th century! (source: ADEA – History of Dentistry)
Saliva is a Miracle Substance
You make an average of 2 to 6 cups of saliva a day. Saliva not only keeps your oral cavity moist and helps break down food to make it chewable and digestible, but it also contains enzymes that eliminate infection-causing bacteria. Another substance in saliva prevents calcium from leaching out of your teeth, helping to keep them strong. Your saliva cleans your teeth by washing away food particles and diluting harmful acids that would otherwise eat away at your tooth enamel. Saliva also plays a role in how your food tastes and has healing powers. (source: Cleveland Clinic – Saliva)
Don’t Skip the Floss
If you don’t floss, you’re leaving up to 40% of your teeth untouched. Teeth have 5 surfaces: the front, the back, the top, and two sides. Unless you floss, the 2 sides never get cleaned. Flossing is the only way to effectively clean your teeth along the gum line, where food gets stuck and attracts plaque-producing bacteria. Not only that, but not flossing raises your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, tooth loss, and other serious oral health issues. So, let’s all commit to flossing our teeth at least once every day.
We have one more fact to share — visiting our office located in Bowie, MD at least every 6 months will help you maintain your oral and overall health in top condition. Professional dental cleanings and examinations help you prevent countless oral and systemic diseases, including cavities, tooth loss, gum disease, cardiovascular disease, respiratory infection, and pregnancy complications. Please call us or go online to schedule an appointment.