Oral Health Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
Thankfully, we are often given warning signs in our daily lives before something goes wrong. For example, your car will alert you if there is a problem with the vehicle or will give a notification before you run out of gas. In a similar manner, there are warning signs given by your mouth to indicate a problem with your oral health. The longer the signs are ignored, the greater your chance of experiencing a dental emergency. Would you know what warning signs to look for that can tell you there is a problem with your oral health? We are here to help!
Tooth Sensitivity
It is not uncommon to experience tooth sensitivity from time to time, especially when eating something that is extremely cold. The problem arises when tooth sensitivity is felt frequently. It can be a sign of decay or gum disease.
Bleeding Gums
Bleeding gums can be experienced from time to time, especially if food becomes trapped between the teeth or if you brush and floss in a vigorous manner. If you experience frequent bleeding gums, it may be an indication that you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease.
Discomfort or Changes to Your Teeth and Bite
If you frequently experience discomfort in your mouth, the first step is to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth to be sure there is no trapped food. If the discomfort is not from poor brushing habits, you may be experiencing dental decay. We also recommend visiting our office if you notice your bite has suddenly changed or if you notice anything else unusual about the appearance of your teeth, such as a sudden change in color, a crack or chip in your tooth, or if a tooth feels loose.
If you experience any of the warnings mentioned above, be sure to contact our office located in Bowie, MD to schedule an appointment. The sooner we can see you, the better chance you have of avoiding a serious dental emergency.